SOCCX - The women's brand
360° image campaign for the german fashion label Soccx. The soundtrack to the TVC was created in co-operation with Astrid North, former lead singer of the Cultured Pearls. Additionally to the TVC we created a music video featuring the artist.
Job - Creative Direction & Art Direction
Director - Daniel Harder
Photographer - Esther Haase
Agency - Dorland
360° international campaign for a new kind of epilator. The Silk-épil 7 Dual Epilator combines epilation and shaving into one innovative hair removal tool. The campaign consists of TVC, PRINT, ONLINE, HOW-TO-DEMOS & POS
Job - Concept Developement & Art Direction
Director - Fred Garson
Photographer - Bruno Dayan
Agency - BBDO
Get-hungry is a film production company and food recipe blog. The task was to rework the logo and to create a new brand identity for the website, videos and pdf recipes etc.
ÜBERWOOD is a new product in the hair care segment made of special pinewood ingredients.
The packaging contains pinewood and other needlewood particles which save up to 40% mineral oil in the making process of the packaging. The Pinewood is also used as a special ingredient in the shampoo and conditioner. Pinewood has an antiseptic core, which kills of bacteria naturally, without having to use preservatives. The pinewood extract strengthen the roots of the hair and leaves it squeaky clean.
Job - Visual Concept & Art Direction
Illustration of character - Ruth Berninger
Agency - Dorland
New Day. Fresh Start. International
360° campaign with
James Blunt as testimonial.
Job - Creative & Art Direction
Photopgrapher - Jan Kopetzky
Director - Lars Knorrn
Agency - Dorland
Ullstein fünf veröffentlicht Belletristik und Sachbücher, in denen es um die Gegenwart geht. Die Autor*innen sind einzigartige Erzähler*innen, die vertraute Lebenswelten erschließen und neue Perspektiven auf unser Leben ermöglichen. Für diese neue Themenreihe sollte ein Logo und der dazugehörige Styleguide entwickelt werden.
LANXESS is a leading specialty chemicals company. The Task was to create an image print campaign that works for every segment of the company.
Together with fischerAppelt the pitch was won.
Development of a style guide for Douglas’ social media channels in corporation with the agency elbdudler
Ten Little Vehicles - TV commercial for Jeep. All drawings were created by children and afterwards animated by Deli Pictures in Hamburg.
Clio // Bronze;
ADC // 2xBronze, 1xAuszeichnung;
Spotlight Werbefilmfestival // Bronze;
Cannes // 2xShortlist;
Die Klappe // Shortlist;
CRESTA // 2xShortlist;
Epica // Silber;
EuroBest // Shortlist;
Mobius Award // Silber;
"Wear Your Face" Print campaign for the north american market.
Job - Art Direction
Photopgrapher - Rene Shenouda
Agency - BBDO
Die Kampagne steht unter dem Titel "Die Antwort auf alle Fragen ist 18:30 Uhr" und rückt somit die veränderte Sendezeit des TV-Formats in den Mittelpunkt.
Job - Pitch Concept & Art Direction
Agency - fischerAppelt
Big Inside
Glänzendes Haar on the GO!
Um die Idee des Streckennetzes zu verstärken, wurden die Plakate am Flughafen in Düsseldorf platziert.
New York Festival 2010 // Shortlist;
Red Dot Design Award 2010;
Das Plakat // Bronze;
Adstar Busan // 2xMerit