farmerJoe Responsive Web Design and Branding
farmerJoe is a collaboration tool (App and Web App) in the agricultural sector connecting farmers and enterprises in the global food industry.
The client wanted to modernize and update their outdated website and brand design, increase conversions in regards to app downloads and new user registrations and improve brand visibility through social media. Also the App and Web App needed some new features for current users to improve the user experience and add value to the product.
• Website redesign
• Create new app features for the upcoming harvest season
• Graphic design for social media assets and marketing
• Expand brand guidelines and look
• UX/UI Design and Graphic Design
• UX Design
• UI Design
• Prototyping
• Graphic Design
UX/UI DESIGN for a booking app for sports courts of all sorts.
Want to play tennis but you are not a member in a tennis club? Want to play golf? But who can afford a membership at a golf club? The playSports app is here to help you find the sport of your choice. Just book your court against a small fee and play with friends anywhere and anytime you want.
YES SHE CAN is an App that inspires the user with daily quotes on the topic of female empowerment. Check out my light/dark mode prototype made in ProtoPie here.
Created with Adobe XD & Adobe Fresco
UX/UI DESIGN for an app that enables parents in Germany to swap their place of child care (KITA) with the place of another child.
In 2018 we were dealing with a deficit of approximately 293.000 KITA spots in all of Germany.
This deficit forces a lot of parents to register their child in a KITA, that is very far away from their place of residence. Many parents spend hour after hour in their cars, on their bikes or in public transportation to take their child to the only available Kita place there is. The app is a social project dedicated to solving this problem.
UX/UI DESIGN for a booking app
The Tennisfarm app enables tennis players to organize and book their tournaments digitally and to interact with other players.
You Scream ice cream is an app for an
ice cream delivery service.
ENERCON is a large wind energy company. Together with my client Group XS we created an app that makes it possible for the maintenance workers of those wind energy plantations to document the current state of the plant digitally. The software gives detailed reports and helps to communicate the information to co-workes and companies that are involved in the process.